Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Overpopulation Trickery

Babies. The world needs more of them. But what about the overpopulation of the earth, you ask? Well, sorry to tell you, but the population of the world is going to peak in 2065, then it's going to decrease exponentially just as it has risen exponentially over the past two hundred years or so. Yes, there are more people alive in the earth now than at any other time in history, but the biggest reason for that isn't that people are having too many babies. It is that people are living longer now than ever before. Because people are now living into their 80's and 90's instead of their 40's and 50's, there are more people. In fact, contrary to popular belief, people in most developed countries are not giving birth to enough people to replace them. The "replacement rate," or the number of children that each woman must have in order to keep the population at a steady rate is 2.13. The .13 is to take into account those children who die before reaching adulthood. But in America, the fertility rate, or average number if children that a woman gives birth to in her lifetime, is 2.01. In most European countries, it is much lower. Spain's fertility rate is 1.43, Switzerland's is 1.54. Latvia is 1.35. In Germany, the fertility rate is 1.43, and the government actually pays people to have children. 

Some people think that lowering the amount of people in the world is a good thing. But if you really think about it, it's not. Basically, if there are a lot more old people than there are young people, the economy will crash. There won’t be enough young people to generate the revenue for Medicare, Social Security, etc. There won’t be enough doctors to care for the elderly. China is finally realizing this, so they changed their one child policy so that Chinese families can now have two children.

Besides all that boring stuff, who on earth would want to live in a world without babies? There is no other thing that I can think of that inspires people to work harder to build a better world than when a parent looks at their child and thinks, “I want him to have a better life than I do.” You can’t look at a baby without getting a happy, hopeful feeling inside. Babies are the future, not the past.

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